By default an SD card is not configured. If you want an SD card you need to set up sdcard and spi in your config.yaml . If you successfully setup both you will see messages like this:
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.18 MOSI:gpio.23 MISO:gpio.19]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs:gpio.5 detect:I2SO.27]
MMC cards are not supported.
2 GB SD cards are not supported, because they use a different internal block size compared to all other sizes.
SD cards 64 GB and larger are supported only if they are reformatted into FAT-32 format. The factory format on large cards is ExFAT, which the libraries that we use do not handle. See the Card Formatting section below for more information.
We use an SPI interface. Not all SD cards support SPI.
In general, old, small cards work well, except as noted above.
Here is the config file section for spi:
miso_pin: gpio.19
mosi_pin: gpio.23
sck_pin: gpio.18
It is recommended that you use the default pin numbers, because these have been thoroughly tested, but other pins should work.
You need an sdcard section with at least the cs_pin defined. The card_detect_pin is supported, but there are no features associated with it other than showing it in the startup messages.
Here is the config file section for sdcard:
cs_pin: gpio.5
card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
frequency_hz: 8000000
For systems that use the default SPI pins, there is a way to access the SD Card without a config file. That can be useful for testing and other situations where your config file gets lost. See $SD/FallbackCS for more information.
It is recommended you use the commands that start with $SD/. The numeric versions like [ESP210] are still supported and used by some senders, but they may be removed some day and the $SD/ type are easier to remember and support. Send $CMD
to list all commands and also show the numeric versions of each command.
Note: If you have authentication enabled (which is not the default), you will need to supply a password for some of the commands. Send $SD/List pwd=admin
(this assumes you are using the default password of "admin") to list files authenticated with the password "admin".
Sending $SD/Status
will return the current status of the SD card.
Sending $SD/List
will list all the files. This is recursive and will search all subdirectories. Each file will print like this:
/FOO.NC is the filename including the directory (in this case the directory is the root). Files in the root directory are shown with a slash in front. Technically this is the proper name for the file, but you don't need to use it with the commands if the file is located in the root directory.
The number following SIZE: is the file size.
Renames existing files on the SD card
Example: $SD/>
will rename existing file
Sending $SD/Run=/
will run file /
Status When an SD card job is running, the percent of bytes completed is appended to the status string, shown in the following example as SD:45.5:
Sending $SD/
will display the contents of file
From a terminal program such as Fluidterm prefix the local name with /sd and it will upload to the SD card. Sending /sd/
will upload to the root directory.
Or you can add files by moving the SD card to a PC, or via the WebUI.
Sending $SD/Delete=/
will delete /
Sending $SD/FallbackCS=5
will setup GPIO 5 as the SD Card chip select pin to use in case the config file does not define cs_pin in the sdcard section (for example if the config file is missing). The default SPI pins will be used. After sending that command, you will need to reboot to apply it and thus enable the SD Card. Subsequently, any time that the system cannot configure the SD Card via the config file, it will setup the SD Card with the default SPI pins and that CS pin. GPIO 5 is the most commonly used GPIO for SD Card chip select, but of course you should use whatever is correct for your hardware.
If $SD/FallbackCS is set to its default value of -1, there will be no fallback behavior. In that case, missing information in the spibus: and sdcard: sections will result in no SD Card being configured, so the default pins for those functions will not be initialized.
FluidNC uses third party libraries to access SD cards. In general, the smallest, oldest and slowest cards tend to work best. As cards get larger, more and more RAM memory is needed to keep track of where files are located. That can be a problem on an ESP32, whose RAM is limited compared to, say, PCs.
Some people have trouble when SD cards have been formatted by Windows, but were able to solve the problem by formatting with SD Card Formatter
The filesystem format must be FAT-32. ExFAT is not supported. Modern cards larger than 32GB usually come with ExFAT. To use such a card, you must use a partitioning tool to create a partition no larger than 32GB and format that as FAT32.
The maximum length of a filename or subdirectory name is 30 characters. That limit applies to each component of the path. The overall path can be longer, but it is best to keep the overall length down to 100 characters or so, lest it exceed the length of a command line or some other internal buffer.
FAT-32 has a limitation of a maximum individual file size of 4GB. That should not be a problem, as individual GCode files rarely exceed a few megabytes.
SD Card Size Make sure it is less than 64GB and not 2GB (due to a block size issue). Generally the smaller, low speed cards work best.
Card Format Format the card with FAT32.
Files Try testing with only a few files. Use filenames with 8 bit ASCII printable characters and less than 30 characters.
Getting responses with "No SD Card" Check your startup messages with $SS
to see if the card has any configuration errors or other information about the SD Card setup. Many controllers do not support a physical card detect pin of the socket, so a card not found type message means the card did not respond.
Try using a simple terminal Try using a simple terminal like FluidTerm or the terminal with the Web Installer. This simplifies things and can help diagnose the problem. Send $SD/List to in the terminal to show the contents. The response should look something like this, with your files listed.
[DIR:System Volume Information]
[FILE: WPSettings.dat|SIZE:12]
[FILE: IndexerVolumeGuid|SIZE:76]
[/sd/ Free:14.83 GB Used:128.00 KB Total:14.83 GB]
cs_pin: gpio.5
card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
frequency_hz: 400000