With FluidNC, everyone uses the same firmware. This is great, but everyone's machine could be different. You solve this problem by creating a machine configuration file that describes your machine.
The config file is a text file that you upload to FluidNC. FluidNC reads this file on startup to customized the firmware to your machine. If it does not find the config file, it will create a very simple default config file. This configuration enables just enough features so you can interact with FluidNC and upload your config file, so the serial port is the only way to see them.
During startup, it uses the serial port to notify you if there are any problems with your config file. With some problems, FluidNC will give up and create the same default file as described above. You should use FluidTerm when testing new config files. The errors occur before the WiFi or Bluetooth can be connected.
You can load multiple config files if you like and switch between them. You tell FluidNC which one to use with the $Config/Filename=<your_filename> command.
There are many example config files . It is unlikely that any one will exactly match your machine because machines are so different. Instead of loading an example and hoping it works, you should study the examples and understand how the various items relate to your situation, using the documentation below as a guide.
FluidNC Web Installer has a graphical setup utility to help you create and upload a config file.
Our format is a very simple subset of YAML. To keep the firmware simple, only the features we need are supported.
YAML uses space character indentation to create a multilevel structure. We recommend 2 space characters for each indent. It uses a key: value format. The value is optional and can have optional parameters like key: value:param1:param2. Blank lines between sections are encouraged to help readability. The format for every key is specified somewhere on this wiki.
name: "TMC2209 XY Servo Laser"
board: "FluidNC Pen/Laser 2209 V2"
engine: RMT
idle_ms: 255
dir_delay_us: 1
pulse_us: 2
disable_delay_us: 0
. Comments after a key value pair are not supported.# This comment will work
limit_all_pin: gpio.16:low:pu
motor0 # This comment will cause an error
limit_all_pin: gpio.16:low:pu
[MSG:ERR: Ignored key frodo]
. If you see this on what you think is a valid key, you probably have an indentation problem. The key must be supported for the section it is indented under.board: 6 Pack
The detailed descriptions of each config file item will tell you what data type to use. In many cases the values will be limited to a range by the config item. For example: step_per_mm is a Float, but it must be positive. Using an invalid value could result in an error, or the value being constrained to the range.
Tip: If you use an editor that highlights yaml syntax, it will highlight the config file keys and values. Some even allow you to collapse sections. When posting in Github issues, Discord posts, and anywhere Markdown is used, you can add yaml after the initial 3 backticks in code blocks to highlight the code.
You can upload a config file over WiFi by using the file upload button in the ESP3D tab. It is the green folder icon.
If you upload a file named "config.yaml" into the root folder of the local file system,
FluidNC will use it with no additional setup required. If you want to use a different name, you must also change the $Config/Filename
setting to the new name. For example the following command sent through the serial counsel will change the config file name to my_machine.yaml: $Config/Filename=my_machine.yaml
You can also upload using Fluidterm. Press CTRL+U and select the file.
You can view the contents of the file in FLASH with $LocalFS/Show=\<filename\>
You can see all of the files in the local file system with $LocalFS/List
See Troubleshooting Config File Problems.
Many config values can be set when the firmware is running. This is typically done when tuning a machine. For example, if you are trying to determine the best acceleration for an axis, you might try out a few values to see what works best.
Some features cannot be changed when running. They only take effect after a restart. These are features like pin definitions. You must edit the config file to change those.
To view the current value of the setting send $
plus the entire YAML hierarchy for that setting. For example send $/axes/x/steps_per_mm
to see that value. You can see any branch of the hierarchy by sending the hierarchy for that section. For example, to see everything about the x axis send $/axes/x
To change settings you send a $
command that is the entire YAML hierarchy for that setting. For example send $/axes/x/steps_per_mm=80
to change the x axis resolution. The changes only affect the values in volatile memory. You must change the YAML file if you want the changes to be permanent. If you send the $Config/Dump
(or $CD
) command you can see the complete definition in memory.
The order of the keys in the file are not important as long as the hierarchy is respected. The file will be displayed or saved in the order FluidNC stores it in memory. Therefore, the saved file may not look like the original file you created. Any keys that were ignored will not be saved. Any keys that you omitted, but have defaults will be added to the file.
The $CD
command can also save changes to a file. $CD=\<filename\>
saves the current config to the file name specified. If you specify a new filename you should change your $Config/Filename to that file.
Be sure there is enough room for the file before saving. The ESP32 does not have a lot of space. It can only hold 2-3 YAML files at a time. Check the free space before saving by showing the contents of the local file system with a $localfs/list
There are some drawbacks to saving this way. It will not look much like your original file. If you have comments, they will not be in the saved file. The file will typically be a lot larger, because default values will be saved. You also will not have a backup outside the controller unless you download the file. Most experienced users tend not to use the
method. They edit the file externally and re-upload. The Web Installer has a good workflow to do this.
All config item names will include a suffix that describes the units or type. Examples...
Do not include the units in your value, just the number, string, etc.
Most keys have default values. For pins this is usually NO_PIN. If you are not using a pin like an enable on a spindle, you do not have to specify it in your YAML file. If you do a $CD (config dump) you will see all the keys, even if you did not specify them in your YAML file.
Starting with an existing config file that is close to what you want is highly recommended.
Here are some places to find them. Note: these all worked at the time they were posted, but are not actively maintained.
We have a Github repo of example files
Some 6 Pack Examples are in the 6 Pack GitHub Repo
Many other controllers have examples on their wiki pages.
name: "ESP32 Dev Controller V4"
board: "ESP32 Dev Controller V4"
engine: RMT
idle_ms: 250
dir_delay_us: 1
pulse_us: 2
disable_delay_us: 0
shared_stepper_disable_pin: gpio.13:low
steps_per_mm: 800
max_rate_mm_per_min: 2000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25
max_travel_mm: 1000
cycle: 2
mpos_mm: 10
positive_direction: false
limit_neg_pin: gpio.17:low:pu
direction_pin: gpio.14
step_pin: gpio.12
steps_per_mm: 800
max_rate_mm_per_min: 2000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25
max_travel_mm: 1000
cycle: 2
mpos_mm: 10
positive_direction: false
limit_all_pin: gpio.4:low:pu
direction_pin: gpio.15
step_pin: gpio.26
steps_per_mm: 800
max_rate_mm_per_min: 2000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 25
max_travel_mm: 1000
cycle: 1
mpos_mm: 10
positive_direction: true
limit_all_pin: gpio.16:low:pu
direction_pin: gpio.33
step_pin: gpio.27
miso_pin: gpio.19
mosi_pin: gpio.23
sck_pin: gpio.18
cs_pin: gpio.5
card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
flood_pin: gpio.25:high
mist_pin: gpio.21:low
pin: gpio.32:low:pu
pwm_hz: 5000
output_pin: gpio.2:low
enable_pin: gpio.22
direction_pin: NO_PIN
disable_with_s0: false
s0_with_disable: true
spinup_ms: 0
spindown_ms: 0
tool_num: 0
speed_map: 0=0% 10000=100%
There is also a folder of example configs in the root folder of the repo.
To keep the config file consistent and relatively self describing the following naming rules should be followed.